Empower yourself through ancient shamanism to heal your emotional energy body and to manifest physical healing, offering you a path to personal growth and well-being.

Discover a better way of living and working today.



Start your journey

Begin your shamanic journey with courses: Shamanic Initiation into the 9 Rites of the Munay Ki and Discover Shamanic Journeying - Lower, Middle, Upper Worlds.


Open your heart

Continue with the Nusta Karpay and The Rite of the Womb to reclaim the life you are meant to live.


Discover More

Advance with Your Shamanic Journeying skills and Shamanic Breath work.

Learn rituals and healing that brings you a deep connection with nature and the sacred world.

 These courses will allow you to walk with grace breaking through the challenges of modern living.

I really loved taking this class. Sharon has so many extra materials that can be used and loads of extra support.

I highly recommend this class and this instructor.

Tara B.
Course: Rite of the Womb

I felt this course was very informative.

I've always been interested in shamanic journeying but each time I tried, I never got what I was searching for.

Through this course, I was finally able to have successful, meaningful journeys!

I found the teaching style very engaging and the instructor's energy comes across as bright, light, loving and generous.

Liz S.
Course: Shamanic Journeying

There is an immediate connection between teacher and student (myself).

This connection is not just in words and understanding but there is an energetic flow of resonance as teachings are anchoring in.

This was not expected!

Corinna L.
Course: Nusta Karpay

Such an amazing reminder of how to eliminate thoughts that do not serve my higher existence.

Moving away stagnant energy to co-create from the divine.

Thank You Sharon for your heart centered lessons. You are unique and I can totally feel the love and the depth of your knowledge in all you do.

Linda D.
Course: Shamanic Breathwork

At its core, shamanism is about connection to nature, the spirit world, and the inner depths of the human psyche.

What is amazing about shamanism is its universality. From the tundra of Siberia to the jungles of the Amazon, from the deserts of Africa to the mountains of North America, shamanic practices have independently arisen across the globe.

 Despite the vast diversity in rituals and beliefs, common threads weave through the fabric of shamanic traditions worldwide —a testament to their shared human origins.


Shamanic Initiation into the 9 Rites of the Munay Ki

The ancient prophecies speak of a new time and humans living free of fear and in their ethereal nature.

Munay-Ki is a training consisting of nine shamanic initiation rites. Through receiving these rites and practising the techniques, we become a person of wisdom who lives through constant communication with the love in our hearts, always connected to a larger whole, the source of life and love.

Discover Shamanic Journeying - Lower, Middle, Upper Worlds.

The Shamanic Journey is the number one tool of shamans.  It’s a form of trance, that allows us to travel between dimensions to retrieve knowledge; it is energy healing at its most fluid.

 Join me in this step-by-step system of spiritual practice that’s distilled from cultures worldwide and delivered in a form you can easily apply.  This is a wonderful way to release the fear that grips so many in our current times. Spiritual healing thrives when we co-create with spirit.



The ancient prophecies speak of a new time and humans living free of fear and in their ethereal nature.  Munay-Ki is a training consisting of nine shamanic initiation rites.

Through receiving these rites and practising the techniques, we become a person of wisdom who lives through constant communication with the love in our hearts, always connected to a larger whole, the source of life and love.


The Shamanic Journey is the number one tool of shamans.  It’s a form of trance, that allows us to travel between dimensions to retrieve knowledge; it is energy healing at its most fluid.

 Join me in this step-by-step system of spiritual practice that’s distilled from cultures worldwide and delivered in a form you can easily apply.  This is a wonderful way to release the fear that grips so many in our current times. Spiritual healing thrives when we co-create with spirit.



Professionally lead & share guided shamanism ceremonial practices creating spiritual healing to awaken self-acceptance


Learn powerful shamanic practices to release fear and grief activating your alignment with spirituality and the elements.

You can also take other courses to complement your learning

A fabulous course with 2 of my favorite instructors. I love the peaceful meditations with Julian and the shamanic journeys I had with Sharon.

I learned a lot too. Love it! Much love to both of you! I am definitely going back to the releasing meditations! xxoxo

Michelle B.
Course: Shamanic Moon Magic

There's no point in having a freedom quiver if it isn't full to the brim with the good stuff! And the good stuff includes this absolutely amazing bow.

I am so excited to add this to my collection. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some practicing to do! I expect this thing to help me hit my mark every time! GOOD DICKENS!

Ron P.
Course: Munay Ki

Sharon is a serious, wise and competent guide, whose solid experience guides you step by step into the depths of a journey of profound spiritual knowledge and healing.

For this second level course it is really important not to be a beginner: I really appreciated it, because Sharon’s courses are truly a path to improving experience and gaining competence, in which you literally grow authentically.

Not a game, but a serious meeting with the spirits that accompany us, with the Great Mother who generates, nourishes and loves us all. Thank you, Sharon! So recommended!

Edoardo M.
Course: Mastering Shamanic Journeying

My first rite/initiation was Munay Ki & my journey sky rocketed from that point.

This rite propels you forward more into shamanism & the shamanic "arts".

Sharon provides you what you need to understand the rhyme to the reason of why you have chosen this path & why it has chosen you.

Thank you for a great session I look forward to the next level.

James P.
Course: Nusta Karpay