Discover Visionary Shamanic Courses

Be a part of a growing movement of like minded people returning to their ancient roots in a new dynamic way with Shamanism.
 Choose from a selection of top selling online video courses or choose a membership option. New courses are added on a regular basis.

Are you just starting your journey into shamanism? Then you are in the right place. The Munay Ki and Shamanic Journeying are key essential learnings for you to find and orientate your place in this beautiful world.

About Munay Ki: The ancient prophecies speak of a new time and humans living free of fear and in their ethereal nature. Munay-Ki is a training consisting of nine shamanic initiation rites. Through receiving these rites and practising the techniques, we become a person of wisdom who lives through constant communication with the love in our hearts, always connected to a larger whole, the source of life and love.

Sharon has initiated nearly 30,000 people globally into the Munay Ki, she is the pioneer of teaching shamanism on line using the best of adult learning principles in video format

About Shamanic Journeying: The Shamanic Journey is the number one tool of shamans. It’s a form of trance, that allows us to travel between dimensions to retrieve knowledge; it is energy healing at its most fluid. Join me in this step-by-step system of spiritual practice that’s distilled from cultures worldwide and delivered in a form you can easily apply. This is a wonderful way to release the fear that grips so many in our current times. Spiritual healing thrives when we co-create with spirit.

With these two courses you have a wonderful springboard into the joys or shamanism. At its core, shamanism is about connection to nature, the spirit world, and the inner depths of the human psyche. What is amazing about shamanism is its universality. From the tundra of Siberia to the jungles of the Amazon, from the deserts of Africa to the mountains of North America, shamanic practices have independently arisen across the globe. Despite the vast diversity in rituals and beliefs, common threads weave through the fabric of shamanic traditions worldwide—a testament to their shared human origins.


Discover Your Shamanic Calling - Sowing The Seeds

Complete My Shamanic Courses - Dip. in Shamanic Studies


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Yours free

  1. A glimpse into shamanism
  2. One week access only
  3. No extensions are possible for this 

Monthy Membership


  1. Instant access to 11 courses
  2. Access to online community
  3. No risk, cancel anytime
  4. Complete all courses to thrive

Annual Membership


  1. 12 months for the price of 10ish
  2. One year full access
  3. Option to pay with Paypal
  4. Take your time and enjoy


The Membership program was founded to create a place where these courses could be offered together in an affordable way as well as to create a sense of community.
This membership is specially designed for those wanting to:

  • Increase personal health and well being using an array of shamanic practices 
  • Discover ancient healing Rites that you can use for yourself, pass onto family and friends when you are ready 
  • Build confidence in working with core shamanic practices like shamanic journeying 
  • Healer's in any modality (eg. massage therapist, Reiki practitioner, etc) will be able to quickly apply and integrate these rituals in your own life and work with them to provide healing to others
  • Identify new opportunities through shamanic practices for your personal growth and improvement.
  •  Upgrade your current self-awareness skills with methods and ceremony to break through the current way you are viewing life
  • Engage in a guided visionary process for the collective awakening of shamanic alliances with spirit helpers and luminous sources of healing assistance 

Three steps to success. You started for free and decided yes Shamanism is for me.

You chose a learning option that suited you and have diligently completed all courses.

Now take it to the next level and receive a Diploma in Shamanic Studies from me.

Diploma In Shamanic Studies Link

Need some one-one-one time with me?


7 Day Challenge - Steps into Shamanism

Mission Statement

“I Offer Transformative Spiritual Shamanic Courses Online To Enable You To Discover Your Unique Pathway To Support Your Personal Learning Pathway”

Sharon Ramel

Weave Your Magic

Weaving magic, spirituality and crafting with nature is the way of our ancestors. It is a gift we all have deep within the core of our beings. However it has been beaten and educated out of us. It is time to reclaim who we really are. What are you waiting for?

Sharon Ramel

Shaman, Best Selling Instructor

Sharon is an internationally respected spiritual practitioner and teacher who hails from Orchid Valley, Western Australia. Her passion is to make shamanism practical and accessible to everyone. Her down-to-earth spiritual style weaves ancient techniques to solve modern problems.

Sharon’s career is driven by her unending passion for promoting spiritual awakening leading to kindfulness/mindfulness and peace within everyone. As a teacher with excellent communication skills and a perfect understanding of human emotions, Sharon provides all her students with a welcoming atmosphere that makes learning more convenient. She always performs a sacred welcoming ritual that involves drumming, rattling, or chanting for every fresh student as the beginning of something great. She provides all the requirements to make the spiritual journey a success for each of them. Her greatest pleasure lies in the success of each student.

Sharon is a unique teacher of Shamanism and spirituality having pioneered teaching shamanism online in video format globally. She is a gifted sound healer, Priestess of the Blue Rose, lover of life, and a registered Munay Ki teacher.

Inspired by her calling to transform people’s life by reawakening their spiritual sensitivity, Sharon, who has occupied the position of a leader in complementary health care for over 25 years, began a journey that became a blessing to her society. After a profound confirmation through the understanding of when and how to start, her teaching career kickstarted without delay.

Aside from her active involvement in healthcare, she is also a business mentor with excellent business strategies, an energy worker, and a social activist with remarkable belief in giving back to society. She consistently donates a large share of her income to charity organizations while also striving to help others live a comfortable life and make the world a better place through her acts.

Learning the shamanic way is only stressful if you don’t have the right teacher. With Sharon, you are sure to enjoy the best moments and have an enriched understanding of spirituality. Don’t miss out. She will help you live an empowered life through daily shamanic practices.

Play a central role in understanding your unique spiritual pathway

My courses are here to inspire your heart, awaken your minds, and allow you the space to dedicate your important souls work.
As you step through this doorway in shamanism, you’ll discover deep shamanic mysteries come alive, you will truly come home to yourself.   Often students have a deep 'ah ha' moment as they realise that deep in their cells  - they too sat around the ancient fires.
You’ll find your place of belonging on the Earth.  
As your confidence and practice deepens you will have  deep conversations with the spirit realms and renew your relationship with nature. Powerful truths about your life will be revealed 

These teachings are available here today to you

"Because it is not an organised religion as such, but rather a spiritual practice, shamanism cuts across all faiths and creeds, reaching deep levels of ancestral memory. As a primal belief system, which precedes established religion, it has its own symbolism and cosmology, inhabited by beings, gods, and totems, who display similar characteristics although they appear in various forms, depending upon their places of origin."  ~John Matthews, The Celtic Shaman

We  seek to be in relationship with the spirit in all things. We seek to use information and guidance from non-ordinary reality to intentionally form our own unique life experience. 

Discover the most rewarding, easy, affordable way to learn shamanism

Over 60,000 students in 160 countries have benefited from Sharon's best selling online courses.
Her courses are offered here in affordable bundles in her membership site.
Welcome home to your heart.

You owe it to yourself to begin your journey into shamanism today