How to Make and Dedicate Your Own Sacred Frame Drum

Together we craft and dedicate your unique ceremonial shamanic medicine frame drum step-by-step with love and confidence

Course Summary

Be guided through every element of crafting your sacred frame drum with appropriate rituals and shamanic ceremonies. This will enhance your connection with the wood and hide, assisting you in creating and birthing your very own Medicine Drum.

Course Curriculum

Sharon Ramel

Sharon has been offering spirit-based courses both online and in small groups since 2008 to encourage a unique spiritual awakening leading to mindfulness and peace within us. Every student is personally welcomed via ceremony as she performs a sacred offering of drumming, rattling or chanting for every person to bring us into the sacred space.

Join over 66,000 students globally in 159 countries exploring shamanism with Sharon in a unique, heartfelt way.

Riky Omi


The creation of our own drum is a course that has detail instruction. It also has the wonderful guidance of shamanism by including sacred meditaion, recommendation and useful resources. Great course which also indicates what are the best suggested materials and allows us to choose according to our own likes, and favorite purchase. I recommend watching and doing this by steps and enjoy the wonderful journey of growing with the birth of your personal drum. "Blessings, Namaste, ASE," Sincerely, Niky (OMI)

Course Pricing

Learn How to Craft & Dedicate a Sacred Frame Drum

$10 USD

per month

  • Together we craft and dedicate your unique ceremonial shamanic medicine frame drum step-by-step with love and confidence.

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