7-day Challenge

Get a taste into the beauty, the wonder, the awe, and the wealth that shamanism has to give us.

Shamanism is just as valid today as it was many thousands of years ago, it bridges the cultural divide, it bridges the time divide.

It asks that you reclaim your power that you stand in your radiant heart and live your truth.

It is a pathway of direct revelation, there is no right no wrong way to do anything here in our world.

May you see the integrity and truth that shines through in all living things.



stepping stones into shamanism - your opportunity to taste this amazing way of Being.

📺Receive a link to your inbox that will take you to a video for seven days and explore what Shamanism can offer you.

📘As a bonus, receive a complimentary book to accompany you during these 7 days to get the most of your practice.